There is a documentary on Netflix called "That Guy". It cracked me up because it is so true. It's about a ton of actors that had never been branded and they have been in the entertaining business for a long while.
Strangers would approach them saying, "I've seen you before... Where did I see you? Oh, I know your that guy on that show... What was the name of that show again? You played a.....? The actors always hated that because people would want them to list what shows they had been on. It didn't make them feel very good.
Stephen Mitchell, the author of Action/ReAction, talks about branding in his book along with many other topics. Branding is very important to your career. As we all know, Clint Eastwood's emotional brand is antagonism, Julie Andrews' is enthusiasm, Woody Allan is anxiety. The list goes on and on for the well known actors. If you do not know that it is important to get branded you will end up... That Guy or That Girl.
I don't know about you but I don't want people to know me as That Girl in that show. So I connected with Stephen Mitchell to learn more from him because I truly desire to go as far as I can in my career. He has a lot of gifts, one being... he is able to "brand" anyone who studies with him. By being branded, I know what roles I am best at playing. I know in our field as actors we just want to work... Nothing wrong with that but I want more than that so I decided to be coached by a pro. Now I go after the the roles I enjoy playing most. It really helps to have a focus on my acting career.
So if you are serious about your career and you're tired of the hit and miss roles you've played in the past. I highly recommend you get connected with Stephen Mitchell. Whether you are a seasoned, mild or a new actor it is truly worth investing in yourself. Get his book, contact him, study hard and be a stellar actor!!! Best to you.
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