Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Putting the audience "in the moment"

I recently saw a video of Meryl Streep in which she shares what an actor has within them. All actors have studied method acting, and many other techniques that have been taught for decades. I totally get it. I was once in theatre and did the same thing. Pulling it out of me.   
As I have grown older, I worked on being a healthier human being in all areas in my life. It's a choice I made for myself. When I started to act almost five years ago, I was studying acting again and remembered a lot of what I had learned in my drama classes when I was younger. As an adult, I honestly didn't like it.  
My manager in Los Angeles encouraged me to attend a webinar in 2013 and I discovered a new "method" of acting; a unique and innovative technique where I didn't need to go down within myself to bring it out for the audience. I thought to myself, this is the technique I choose to use in my acting career. It was a healthier way to act. I read this man’s book, Action/ReAction, and it made logical sense to me. So I studied with him and learned this new technique for acting without getting into my psychic, down within my heart, mind, body and soul. This man is a director and wears many hats in the film industry. He created this technique for himself to have better actors for his productions back in the 80’s and 90’s. He didn't put it in a book and teach it back then, he just taught it to his tribe, a repertory company he created in Hollywood that had hundreds of actors.  
I'm so grateful he decided to put his technique in a book and began teaching the Action/Reaction technique. This is a book directors, producers and actors all need to read and learn this technique and language. In life, it is important to grow and get better with whatever it is we are doing. Well, in my opinion this is better than the rest. I choose to be a healthy, a well grounded actor. The man’s name is Stephen Mitchell. Thank you, Stephen, for sharing your experience and for creating Action/Reaction. I'm forever grateful!  
For those seasoned actors out there that cannot grasp the concept of getting out of what you have learned for decades. Check out this self taped footage I made for an audition. I only used Stephen Mitchell's technique. Can you tell the difference? The idea is not to feel the emotions but to make the audience feel them; to put the viewer in the moment: https://vimeo.com/165607341  
Stephen had seen too many actors in Hollywood stay in a state of depression after playing a depressing role unable get out of it because no one teaches how to get out of it.   
I suggest you read Action/Reaction and get in touch with Stephen Mitchell. You have a choice now, so choose wisely for your acting career. Stay well, in mind, body, soul and spirit.   
Remember this is just a job and maybe a lifestyle but it's not your life. Enjoy and be well!  


Thursday, March 31, 2016

Judy talks about Alex Kendrick

I have been in this industry for a while now, and have been in many different productions playing all sorts of roles. I know now what my goals are after seeing and working with so many people.

I have been blessed to know and study with Stephen Mitchell for years. I admire his gifts and talents and for sharing them. I have grown to really have fun in acting the roles I’ve played, but also in screenwriting, producing, directing, and cinematography. The world of film making has so many roles that I can switch from one role to the other. What is important to me is working with professionals, that have an A game and brings their A game at all times, starting with communicating, being a man or woman of their word, following through to complete a project.

I was present at an event that a Christian radio station sponsored in my area. The speaker was promoting a film he made, he shared how he got started in the industry, the mistakes he has made along the way and how he kept going. He inspired me. I have seen his films and enjoyed them immensely. This man is a man of God and I admire him and his ethics. His name is Alex Kendrick, I desire to work with him because he writes, produces, directs and acts in his own films, he does it all! I like his films because they are wholesome and faith based. I enjoy working with like minded people.

I can only imagine working on a production with his team. Praying before the screenplay, funding, director, producers, all the players. And everyday on set praying first before we start rolling with the cast and crew. What a glorious day that would be, to be working with like minded people honoring our Father in Heaven with our calling.